Kala Sarpa Shanti

Appease the Snake Gods

Kala Sarpa Dosha is caused by the unique planetary position in a person’s horoscope with a snake-shaped formation or if all the planets (except Rahu and Ketu) are in the clutches of Rahu and Ketu. Astrologically Rahu is the Head and Kethu is the tail of a Snake. It is said that Karmas due to previous births are the main cause of Kala Sarpa Dosha.

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Kala Sarpa Shanti Homa should be performed the Vedic way, which is considered very simple yet effective. The effect of Kala Sarpa Dosha in one’s horoscope can be stressful and very painful. Every aspect of life I.e., studies, career, relationship.


  • Relief from Kala Sarpa Dosha and it’s cruel effects
  • Overall success and happiness
  • Success in all aspects of life I.e., relationship, wealth and health
  • Prayers for relief from physical ailments


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